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Fascia Stimulating Tool

Answers to all of your questions regarding our Fascia Stimulating Tool

How much pressure should I use?

The Pause Fascia Stimulating Tool has a unique beveled edge that promotes maximum results with little pressure. The design allows for good depth & more shear (the movement of layers of fascia across each other) using minimal compression with gentle,

How is this tool different from a Gua Sha tool?

Gua Sha is actually not a tool at all, but a technique originating in Chinese medicine. Gua Sha, when translated to English, means “scrape red.” Performing Gua Sha involves the use of an instrument (traditionally it was a soup spoon, but today many c

How often & how long should I be using The Tool?

You should use the Pause Fascia Stimulating Tool once a day on each of the specified regions (Forehead, Cheeks, Neck & Chest). Each area should receive 60 seconds of treatment with The Tool, the first 30 seconds consisting of long, slow strokes and t

How is this different from other tools?

The tool was designed by a doctor of Physical Therapy who uses similar tools in her practice to improve tissue health and quality. We are borrowing the science that physical therapists employ with their patients for overall tissue health and quality